"Immortium" - short film directed by Luke King Abbott
"Malison" - short film directed by Carl Shanahan
"The Wanting" - short film directed by Alexandros Mattei
"The Orange Coloured Banana" - short film directed by Aaron R Dorey
"Gerry Anderson: A Life Uncharted" - a documentary directed by Benjamin Field
"All Girls" - short film directed by Anastasia Bruce Jones
"Seagull" - short film directed by Dean Puckett
"The Serpent Sword" - concept trailer directed by Rhiannan Falshaw
"Anhedonia" - feature film directed by Michael Henry
"Expiry" - feature film directed by Tom Gatley
"The Midnight Court and Other Aislings" - short film directed by Alexandros Mattei
"The Pig and the Tramp" - short film directed by Leon Protheroe
"D.O.A.L" - short film directed by Joseph Parton
"Puppet" - short student film directed by Emmy Williams
"ALL AGAINST ALL" - concept trailer directed by Leon Protheroe
"ALPHA MALE: HUNTED" - short film directed by Leon Protheroe
Music videos:
"Ek tarfa piyar" by Fawad Ali
"Mirores" by Ani Glass
"Meicrodon" by Carys Eleri
"#CofiwchDryweryn" by Carys Eleri
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Advert for Afon Mêl Meadery produced by The Content Creators
Advert for BHP Reading & Crimestoppers produced by Tree Top Films
"This may hurt a bit" - performance at The Courtyard Theatre
"The Merry Wives of Windsor" - performance at The Courtyard Theatre
"Tarantula" - performance in Akademia Teatralna im. Aleksandra Zelwerowicza Filia w Bialymstoku
"Randki z piekla rodem" - performance in Uniwesyteckie Centrum Kultury
"Czerwony kapturek" - performance in Uniwersyteckie Centrum Kultury
"Smerfy" - performance in Uniwersyteckie Centrum Kultury
UK Calendar Girls Front Page Make-Up on two models
Make-Up Workshops
Showreels for actors
Photo sessions
Different Make-Up work including – working on counters: Kat Von D, NYX